Monday, December 31, 2007

family gift exchange

Christmas Eve has typically been the big holiday in my family. We headed up to Massachusetts and did a gift exchange with Grammy, Grampy, Joey, and Kaytie before going over to Auntie Ann's for the Extreme Family Gathering (we're talking wall-to-wall cousins, aunts, uncles, spouses).
Dylan's favorite gift was a Monster Trucks set, complete with paints and decals for customizing, from Uncle Joey, who always gets the perfect gifts.
Here's Alexa being tickled by Frosty.

And tickling Aunt Kaytie with her new turtle puppet, which came with the awesome puppet theatre that Kaytie bought for the kids.

Kat and I can't wait to hit the town sporting our matching caps and gloves.

The only thing missing, of course, was Michael, whose presence is always felt most heavily on holidays such as these. Mike, wherever you are, hopefully your Christmas was filled with Star Wars Guys, He-Man dolls, and a glass Barney Rubble.

Happy holidays. xoxoxoxox